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Selectmen Minutes 02/16/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 16, 2010

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Alan Quimby, Mike Paveglio, Jason Weir, Ed Millette, Kris Cole, Alan Mayville, George Cooper, Bette Bogdan, Steven Stock, Thomas Houle, Matt Cole, Pat Clarke, Lisa Drouse, Scott Marsden, Norm LaRochelle, and Bruce Dyke

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:02PM.

Department Heads

Fire Department:  Alan Quimby reported learning that the department’s traffic cones need to be replaced to meet safety standards per RSAs.  Mr. MacCleery recommended Alan to talk with the Road Agent for possible vendors.  Mr. Quimby discussed the following directives that he would like to issue:

The Explorer is for Department use only and permission must be obtained from an officer prior to use.  Mr. MacCleery said he had a phone call questioning why the Explorer was being used on Saturday morning between 10 and 11 am.  Mr. Quimby said there is still a log for the Explorer and he will check it.

Mr. Quimby would like all fire house data to be entered at the station and not remotely.  When someone accesses it remotely it causes issues for those at the station.  

The Selectmen are in agreement with the proposed directives.

Mr. Quimby is working on the radio inventory.  He has been able to locate all but one radio and is researching where that radio is. The Department was given 40 radios.   Mr. MacCleery asked how many active members are on the Department now.  Mr. Quimby reports approximately 25 active members.  Mr. Paveglio said that he wanted to state for the record that he called the State regarding the radio inquiry because he felt that his name may have been involved in the inquiry.  He found that what they are asking for is a normal inventory of the radios and that no wrong doing has been implied.
Mr. Quimby reports the ambulance schedule is full and morale is high.

Forest Warden:  Mr. MacCleery and Mr. Jordan report that under the current circumstances they are not in favor of going forward at this time to replace the Forest Warden.  Mr. MacCleery asked Warden Stock if there is a need for an additional deputy with Gil Vien’s Leave of Absence.  Warden Stock will bring forward some names to the Selectmen.  He also reported that Alan Quimby is a special deputy with the State and is familiar with the duties.
Warden Stock reported that a committee has been formed consisting of himself and the Fire Department Officers.  The purpose was to discuss the proposed warrant article and to discuss which of the department’s vehicles should be replaced.  It was unanimous that the vehicle most in need of replacing is the ’84 Chevy (Forestry 1).  That vehicle has maintenance issues and is overloaded.  All the Officers are new to the discussion of the warrant article.  Mr. DeBold asked whether the $24,000 proposed in the article would be enough to purchase what the department needed.  Warden Stock and the other Officers are looking at that and will continue to do so in preparation for Town Meeting.  If they can not come up with something workable they may table the issue for this year.  Possible trucks for sale were discussed including one that may be available through the Police Standards and Training and one that was advertised in Hard Hat News.  The Committee will look into all options.
Warden Stock did not notify the Division of Forest and Lands of Gil Vien Leave Of Absence (LOA) .  He felt it would be more appropriate coming from the Selectmen.  Ms. Bogdan questioned the Town’s Leave of Absence policy and how it relates to Mr. Vien.  Mr. MacCleery reviewed the policy and felt that it did not really apply to the position of Fire Chief since it is somewhat of a volunteer position.  \

Police:  Officer York is having surgery at the beginning of next week and it will be a period of 4 to 6 weeks of recovery after that.  Chief Clarke reported that two more possible applicants refused the open position.  Chief Clarke will be advertising the position in the paper.  

Budget Committee:
The Budget Committee feels the Selectmen need to explain why, if last years operating budget was under spent in excess of $200,000, we are proposing the same amount this year.  Lisa Drouse prepared a spreadsheet outlining the areas where we were under spent.  There was much discussion about the estimated surplus and how it could be used, as well as the proposed wage increases.  The under spending may have had to do with some anomalies such as the change in personnel.  Selectmen DeBold plans to do a power point presentation at the beginning of town meeting outlining some of these issues.  The Budget Committee would like Selectmen DeBold to address the actual expenditures vs. the budget, the surplus, the anomalies, and the market adjustments.

Other Business:
Fire Department:  Alan Quimby signed a letter authorizing John Dever, the building inspector, to perform inspections on behalf of the Fire Department.

Mr. DeBold asked if Mr. Quimby was reviewing any of the fire department bills that have been signed by Joyce Vien.  He stated that he had not seen any this week.  The Selectmen would like Alan to sign off on all invoices prior to payment.
Nancy will schedule Mike Dodge to meet with Alan Quimby next week regarding computer access.

Abatement:  Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to abate $1,937.75 in assessed value, $193.77 in tax on Map 7 Lot 7 for Earl Weir.  This was due to an error in calculation tables for timber tax.  Motion passes.

Zoning updates: Dapergolas issue is closed since the owner applied for and received a driveway permit.

Car Farm’s 30 day period is over and they have not contacted the Selectmen’s Office or the Planning Board.  The Selectmen are starting the legal process for the violation.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:19 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold